A message from Alexis Hekker, our Indigenous Wellness Coordinator

“I attended our local memorial last night for the 215 children found… I made a basket of tobacco ties and offered them to those attending within my role of Indigenous Wellness Coordinator. Some were taken to be offered with the elementary school students on the grounds of the residential school on the reservation this morning. I am hanging up orange ribbons today at the office as well to create discussion around this heartbreaking discovery and will be doing a tobacco offering in the garden later today. I invite [everyone] to join in on these practices should you be interested.

I want to share a petition asking the Canadian Government to search every site that once housed a residential “school”.

There are also important support numbers for people who are impacted:

IRSSS (Indian Residential School Survivors Society) Emergency Crisis Line is available 24/7 for those who may need counseling support 

Metis 24hr crisis line (BC) 

24hr Crisis line 

If you are looking for a good place to donate, I highly recommend the IRSSS (Indian Residential School Survivors Society).


Click here to sign the petition

Click here to donate to the IRSSS